How We Write Our Agreements | Episode 122

Written by The Everbros
Published on September 26, 2024

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**Cold Open (A listener and guest sent us a gift box — we taste and rank everything in it)**

**Skip the Cold Open at 13:08**

If you don’t have a lawyer and don’t know how to write agreements for your agency, perhaps hearing how we write ours will help you craft yours.

Because we need to say it, we’re not lawyers. Our agreements are not airtight. But they work for us.

We give practical advice for writing your agreements to make sure clients don’t take advantage of you as well as helping you set the right expectations for your clients in your agreements.


Our recommended agency tools:



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  1. AJ

    I will respect the rank. Although I think the Vernors would have been S tier. Fun fact,while delicious, we actually treat Vernors as a anit nausea alternative when feeling sick. Glad you guys enjoyed them.

    On the note of Agreements, ours can get a tad lengthy with our level of engagement and custom work. We also include an “out of scope” section for things that get commonly confused such as meta ads vs organic posts.

    • Jake Hundley

      Ginger beer is ginger beer, IMO. It’s hard to be a bad ginger beer. I believe that! Over here and probably the rest of the US just uses 7UP, haha.

      That makes sense! Custom agreements and deliverables tend to be a lot longer. When you have a productized approach like us, the goal is shorter agreements. It’s a very conveyor belt system and the less friction you have, the better.

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